드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex

혈전사의 길

taamro 2022. 3. 16. 13:03

"위험하고 가혹한 서약의 길"의 일부다. 파괴자 스렘의 말을 듣고 보니 한 단락이 유독 눈에 띈다.

용의 피는 사악한 목적의 표상으로 여겨지고는 한다. 그러나 그것을 사용하는 동기는 혈전사 개개인의 기질에 따라 달라지는 것이다. 우리는 모두 잔혹한 행위에 탐닉하고자 하는 성질이 있다. 그것이 타인을 잔혹하게 꺾고 올라서는 힘의 형태로 표출되는 것은 그저 혈전사의 숙명일 뿐이다. 그들의 파괴본능은 가장 먼저 내면을 향한다. 그것은 시련이자 결의다. 그때문에 혈전사는 즉각적인 불신을 살 일이 없다. 쉽게 타락하고, 악마의 의지에 끝없이 위협받는 혈마법사와는 다르기 때문이다.

한 일화에 대한 기록이다.

짐승을 베었다. 화상을 입긴 했지만, 용의 피를 발랐으니 곧 가라앉을 것이다. 그리고서 아주 적은 양의 피를 덜어, 전에 배운 의식을 행한 후, 망설임 없이 들이켰다. 그 맛은 이 법도를 알지 못하는 자들이 느끼는 피 맛과는 달랐다. 그들은 상처와 패배의 맛밖에 모른다. 그것은 삼킬 수 없을 만큼 뜨겁고, 태고의 생명 안에서 흐르는 피의 맛이었다. 그런 짐승의 피와 생명에 물드는 것은 존재를 근본부터 뒤흔드는 일이다. 일부는 내가 예전의 나를 뛰어넘었음을 보았다. 다른 일부는 눈치채지 못했고 경계심조차 품지 않았다. 어떤 이들은 알면서도 말하지 않았다. 이 힘을 어떻게 휘두를지 선택하는 것이 오로지 나의 몫임을 알고 있기 때문이다. 나와 같은 존재가 되는 건 모든 예상을 뛰어넘는 일이다. 나는 우월하다. 나는 내 칼날이 어디를 향해야 하는지 안다. 나는 너를 간파했다.

여러 혼합물에 관한 설명이 자세하게 적혔다. 각각 빠짐없이 빼곡하다.



From "A Path of Warning and Harsh Promise." Breaker Thram's words make one passage stand out:


The blood of the dragon is treated in a way that speaks of dark intent, though motive is left to the temperament of the individual Reaver. All of us can be tempted to harsh conduct. It is simply the fate of the Reaver that theirs is the power to be brutal above most others. Their destruction is first inward, a commitment and test that spares them the instant distrust of the blood mage—to whom temptation comes with ease and the will of a demon in constant threat.


An account:


I cut the beast. It had seared me, but now its blood was the balm that would sooth. Later, I took the smallest amount and, adding it to the rite and ritual I had learned, drank without hesitation. It did not taste of blood as the uninitiated understand it, for they know only the taste of the wound, a flavor of defeat. This was the taste of blood coursing within, of life, of the primal—a burning that is not swallowed so much as it inhabits. To infuse with the blood and life of such a beast is to be changed at the core. Some could see it and knew I was more than I had been. Some could not and had no warning. And some knew, but would not say, for the choice of how to wield it is truly mine. The act of becoming is a defiance of all expectation. I am above. I see where the blade must go. I see through you.


Several mixtures are detailed, each contributing to the final.


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