드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex

벤하스라스 재교육자

taamro 2022. 1. 16. 23:25

수감자는 벤하스라스가 자신의 동료를 찾아왔을 때 체포에 저항했다는 사실을 이미 한 차례 자백하였다. 정황 증거로 보아, 그는 탈바쇼스가 되고자 하는 집단의 일원으로 보인다. 그의 동료는 탈출을 시도하던 중 사망했다. 이 수감자는 카멕을 투여하는 대신 사회에 재투입이 가능한지 평가할 필요가 있다. 아래 서술된 바와 같이 그의 수면을 박탈하고 식사와 물 섭취를 제한하였다.

첫날: 수감자는 차분한 상태이며, 그에게 물을 주되 음식은 제공하지 않도록 했다. 수감자가 화장실 사용을 요청하였다. 그에게 청결은 쿤의 일부이고, 그가 공격한 것은 쿤 그 자체였다고 응답하였다. 수감자에게 벤하스라스를 살해한 이유를 묻자, 그는 단지 자신을 방어했을 뿐이라고 대답했다. 수감자는 결국 바닥에서 소변을 해결했다.

둘째 날: 수감자에게 간단한 음식과 물을 제공하고, 쿤을 따르겠다는 의지가 있음을 입증한다면 화장실을 사용하게 해주겠다고 제안했다. 수감자에게 왜 벤하스라스를 살해했는지 물었고, 그는 동료를 보호하기 위해 싸우기는 했으나 죽이지는 않았다고 대답했다. 우리는 그에게 쿤 아래에서 거짓말을 하는 것은 용납할 수 없다고 말했다. 수감자는 자리에 서서 재교육자들이 먹고 마시고 일상 대화를 나누는 것을 지켜보았다.

셋째 날: 수감자가 음식과 물을 거부하였다. 밖으로 끌고 나가 음식을 찾아 쓰레기를 뒤지는 칼라바의 모습을 보여주었다. 우리는 수감자와 칼라바는 쿤을 따르지 않는 점에서 비슷하지만, 지능이 낮아 쿤을 따를 수 없는 칼라바와 달리 그럴 능력이 있음에도 의도적으로 쿤을 따르지 않는다는 점에서 수감자는 칼라바보다 못하다고 말했다. 수감자에게 벤하스라스를 살해한 이유를 묻자, 자신은 화가 나 있었고 친구를 보호하고 싶을 뿐이라고 대답했다.

넷째 날: 수감자에게 세헤론에서 탈바쇼스에 의해 살해된 타마스란과 아이들의 모습을 그린 그림을 보여주었다. 수감자에게 모든 탈바쇼스는 이런 짓을 하는 자들이며, 그가 탈바쇼스가 되려면 교육관에 가서 타마스란을 죽여야 한다고 말했다. 수감자가 눈에 띄게 분노했다. 수감자에게 벤하스라스를 죽인 이유를 묻자, 그는 자신이 틀렸으며 동료의 거짓말에 속았다고 대답했다.

다섯째 날: 수감자는 계속해서 후회하는 모습을 보인다. 쿤이 모든 사람을 받아들인다는 말에 눈에 띄게 행복한 모습을 보인다. 수감자는 몸을 씻고, 새 옷과 음식 그리고 잠을 잘 수 있도록 허락받았다. 그가 깨어나자마자, 탈바쇼스가 되고 싶은지 혹은 쿠나리가 되고 싶은지 물었고 그는 쿠나리로 남겠다고 대답했다. 그를 단순 노동을 위해 도로 작업반에게 인계하였다. 같은 조 관찰자들이 그를 주시할 예정이다.

—파 볼렌에서 밀반입된 벤하스라스 재교육 보고서에서 발췌



Detainee has already confessed to resisting arrest when Ben-Hassrath came for his coworker; circumstantial evidence suggests he was part of group planning to become Tal-Vashoth. Coworker died attempting to escape. Detainee requires evaluation for possible reintroduction into society instead of qamek treatment. He is being denied sleep and given restricted portions of food and water, as noted below.


Day 1: Detainee restrained, given water but no food. Detainee requested to use latrine. Was told cleanliness part of the Qun, and he had decided to attack the Qun. Detainee asked why he murdered Ben-Hassrath, responded that he had only defended himself. Detainee eventually urinated on floor.


Day 2: Detainee given light food and water, told he could use latrine if he could demonstrate ability to follow the Qun. Detainee asked why he murdered Ben-Hassrath, answered that he fought them to protect coworker, did not murder them. Detainee told that lying is unacceptable under the Qun. Detainee observed reeducators eating and drinking and engaging in conversation about daily activities while detainee stood.


Day 3: Detainee refused food and water. Was taken outside and shown qalaba rooting through garbage for food. Detainee told he is similar to qalaba, as neither he nor it follows the Qun. Also told qalaba is better than detainee, as qalaba is too stupid to follow the Qun, while detainee could follow it, but made conscious choice to refuse. Detainee asked why he murdered Ben-Hassrath. Detainee answered that he was angry and trying to protect his friend.


Day 4: Detainee shown drawings of dead tamassrans and children, told these were drawings of people in Seheron killed by Tal-Vashoth. Detainee told all Tal-Vashoth do this, and if detainee wishes to be Tal-Vashoth, he must go to education center and kill tamassrans now. Detainee became visibly upset. Detainee asked why he murdered Ben-Hassrath, answered that he was wrong and lied to by his coworker.


Day 5: Detainee continues to show remorse. Is visibly happy when reminded that Qun offers place for all people. Detainee washed, given new clothes and food, allowed to sleep. Upon waking, detainee asked whether he would prefer to be Tal-Vashoth or Qunari. Detainee answered that he will remain Qunari. Detainee released to road crew for simple labor and will be watched by observers on team.


—Excerpt from a Ben-Hassrath reeducation report smuggled out of Par Vollen


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