드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex

승임의 평야

taamro 2022. 1. 15. 11:34

승임의 평야를 전장으로 택한 건 적절했다. 수 세기 전, 이곳에서 데일스 엘프 제국은 비참한 최후를 맞이했다. 엘프 군은 안드라스테의 용사들인 성기사, 수녀, 그리고 귀족 후원자들을 상대로 항복하지 않고 맞서 싸웠다. 용사들의 대의는 정당했고, 그들의 신념은 승리를 가져왔다. 그 이후 이곳은 "승임의 평야"이라고 불리게 되었다.

누군가 이 지역을 두고 아름다움과 갈등이 종이 한 장 차이인 곳이라고 말하였다. 이런 묘사는 가까운 미래에도 들어맞는다. 우리가 열심히, 그리고 잘 싸워 완벽한 승리를 거둔다면 우리가 데일스에 가져온 갈등은 빠른 시일 내에 잊힐 것이다. 제군들이여, 우리를 격려하고 이끄시는 진정한 황제의 이름 아래서 싸우고 있다는 것을 명심해라. 진실과 정의가 오래전 이 평야에 승리를 가져왔다. 창조주의 의지로, 우리는 또다시 승리할 것이다.

—바스티앵 프루 사령관이 전투에 참여하기 전 그의 병사들에게 보낸 편지



It is appropriate that we pick the Exalted Plains as our field of battle. It was here, centuries ago, that the Dalish kingdom met its bitter end. The holdouts of the elven army making their last stand, refusing to surrender, against the champions of Andraste: the templar, the sister, and the nobleman patron. The champions' cause was just, and their faith led them to victory. The plains were henceforth called "Exalted."


Someone once said that these fields are characterized by equal measures of beauty and strife. This description will hold true for the foreseeable future. The strife we bring to the Dales will be quickly forgotten, however, if we fight hard and fight well and earn a definitive victory. Let the knowledge that you strike in the name of the true emperor encourage and guide you. Truth and righteousness prevailed on the plains, long ago. Maker willing, it will again.


—A message from Marshal Bastien Proulx to his soldiers before battle was joined


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