드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex

술레빈의 요람

taamro 2022. 5. 28. 12:30

술레빈 검: 목적을 위한 검

우리가 데일스를 통치하던 시절, 그 검의 목적은 우리의 국경을 수호하는 것이었습니다. 성가회가 우리에게 진군했을 때, 그 검의 목적은 우리를 탄압하는 자들로부터 무고한 이들을 보호하기 위한 것이었습니다. 많은 위인이 그 검을 거머쥐고 전장에 나갔습니다.

하지만 그 검의 이름을 아는 이는 거의 없습니다. 그리고 그것에 관해 이야기하는 이는 더욱 적습니다.

승임의 행군은 계속되었고, 성가회군은 승리를 목전에 두고 있었습니다. 그러나 한 엘프무리는 패배를 받아들일 수 없었습니다. 절박함이 그들을 술레빈 검으로 이끌었고, 검에는 복수라는 새로운 목적이 생겼습니다.

"성가회가 우리를 괴물이라 생각한다면," 그들은 생각했습니다. "괴물이 되어 주어야 마땅하지."

그들은 자신들의 마법을 강화하기 위해 무고한 이들의 피를 취했습니다. 의식이 성공했다면 승리를 거두었겠지만, 의식은 실패했습니다. 엘프들의 발아래는 시신이 즐비했고, 그들은 손에 피를 묻힌 채 어둠 속에 서 있었습니다. 복수를 바랐던 엘프들의 갈망은 그들이 학살한 자들에게 돌아갔습니다. 영들은 장막 너머에서 건너와 엘프들의 생명을 집어삼켰습니다.

술레빈 검은 부러진 채로 엘프들이 의식을 시도한 저주받은 장소에 놓여있습니다. 아마도 언젠가는 다시 벼려져 새로운 목적을 부여받게 될지도 모릅니다. 하지만 그에 대한 대가는 무엇일까요? 그곳은 이미 오래전에 잊혔고, 검을 찾아 나섰던 자들은 두 번 다시 돌아오지 못했습니다. 누군가는 그들이 오래전 분노했던 영들에 목숨을 잃었을 거라고 말합니다.

우리가 과거를 그리워하는 만큼, 잊히게 두는 편이 나은 기억들도 있는 법입니다.

—랠러피린 부족의 수호자 엘린드라의 도제, 네리아가 심문회 서기관 마티아스 라렌에게 한 이야기



The Cradle of Sulevin


The Sulevin Blade: a sword with purpose.


When our people ruled the Dales, the blade's purpose was to defend our borders. When the Chantry marched against us, its purpose was to protect the innocent from those who would oppress us. More than one great hand wielded it in battle.


Yet few know its name. Fewer still will speak of it.


The Exalted March stretched on, and the Chantry's forces were nearing victory. A band of elves could not bear the loss. Desperation drove them to take the Sulevin Blade. A wish for vengeance gave the sword a new purpose.


"If the Chantry thinks us monsters," they thought, "then who are we to argue?"


They spilled innocent blood to power their magic. With it, they would defeat their enemies. Only—the ritual failed. The elves stood in the darkness, blood on their fingers, bodies at their feet. Then they heard the sound of footsteps. The elves' wish for vengeance was granted to those they had slaughtered. Spirits reached beyond the Veil and claimed the elves where they stood.


As for the Sulevin Blade, the sword lies broken in the accursed place where the elves attempted their ritual. Perhaps one day it will be reforged and given a new purpose. But at what cost? The location was lost long ago. Those who seek the sword never return. Some say they are claimed by the same spirits who were angered so long ago.


As much as we long for our past, there are some memories better left buried.


—Story recited by Neria, First to Keeper Elindra of Clan Ralaferin, to Mathias Laren, Inquisition scribe


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