드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex

엘란드린의 죽음

taamro 2022. 1. 9. 10:51

엘란드린, 우리의 형제여.

팔런딘이 너를 인도하리라. 창조주가 너를 인도하리라.

네가 배신자로 기억되지 않도록, 우리의 슬픔이 짧은 순간의 비애로 보이지 않도록 이곳에 진실을 간직하려 한다.

너는 우리 종족을 위하겠다 맹세하면서도, 마음속에는 의문을 품고 있었다.

시작이 언제였는지 기억조차 나지 않을 때까지 우리는 하루가 멀다고 국경을 끼고 인간들과 싸워왔다. 납치에 대한 소문이 나돌기 시작했다. 언제나처럼 성가회는 빠른 속도로 거짓말을 퍼뜨렸다. 인간들은 성급하게 분노에 휩싸여 사냥꾼들의 길 부근에 지나치게 가까이 접근했다는 이유로 시오나의 여동생을 죽였다. 너는 시오나의 여동생의 시신을 수습했고 우리와 함께 그녀를 애도했지만, 네 마음은 다른 곳에 가 있었다. 너는 복수를 간청하는 시오나를 외면했다.

너는 아무 말 없이 모습을 감추어 버리는 날이 많아졌다. 네가 인간들의 창조주에게 맹세했다는 소문이 들리기 시작했다. 우리는 앞으로 일어날 일이 두려웠다.

시오나는 너를 구하고자 했고, 너를 우리 곁으로 되돌려놓길 원했다. 여동생에 이어, 남동생마저 잃고 싶진 않았을 것이다. 시오나는 널 우리에게서 빼앗아 간 여자와 네가 나무 아래에서 함께 있는 모습을 보았다. 그 여자는 마을을 가리켰고, 너는 여자와 함께 성가회 장벽을 바라보았지.

시오나가 돌아와 인간들이 어떻게 널 우리에게서 빼앗아 갔는지 말해주었다. 그들이 거짓말로 너를 얼마나 현혹했는지를. 너는 인간들의 창조주의 충직한 종이 되어 우리의 비밀을 누설하겠지. 이 모든 일이 사실인지 물어보러 갔을 때 너는 이미 떠난 뒤였다.

그래서 우리는 너를 막고자 했다. 시오나는 신속하게 사람들을 이끌고 마을로 향했다. 우리는 네게 결투를 신청할 생각이었다. 우리는 그곳에서 다시 널 데려오려 했다. 그게 아니라면 심판을 내리려 했다. 달도 없는 어두운 밤이었다. 그날 여자는 나무 사이로 시오나를 보았다. 여자는 손에 무언가를 든 채 뭔가를 외치며 시오나를 향해 달려왔다. 그리고 시오나의 화살이 활시위를 떠났다. 여자는 숨이 멎어가는 입술로 "엘란드린"을 부르며 땅에 쓰러졌다. 손에 쥐고 있던 데이지 꽃다발이 손 틈새로 흘러내렸다.

여자가 도망쳤다고 의심하던 마을 사람들이 비명을 듣고 엘프를 공격했지만, 상대가 되지 못했다.

시오나의 신속함은 너를 앞지르고 말았다. 너는 나무 아래 무릎을 꿇고 마지막으로 여자를 끌어안았다. 옷에 피로 젖은 꽃잎들이 달라붙었다. 점점 더 많은 수의 인간들이 모여들었지만 너는 움직일 생각이 없었다. 그들 또한 네게서 어떤 것도 들을 생각이 없었다. 화살은 너의 심장을 꿰뚫었고 너는 그녀의 곁에 쓰러졌다. 우리는 인간들이 강가에 버린 너의 시신을 찾았다. 여자의 시신은 인간들이 수습해갔다. 그게 끝은 아니었지만 네 역할은 거기서 끝났다.

이마에는 데이지 화환을, 손에는 그녀가 가지고 있던 편지를 들고 다시 한번 우리의 명예로운 형제로서 편히 쉬기를. 너를 인도하는 자가 누구든, 그녀를 인도하는 자가 누구든 간에, 너희들의 영혼이 저 너머에서 다시 한번 재회할 수 있기를.

빛바랜 피로 편지가 얼룩져있다.


나는 본 적도 없는 신들과 내가 알지도 못하는 창조주라는 존재에 대해 신경 쓰고 싶지 않아요. 그런 고상한 관심사는 다른 사람들이나 실컷 신경 쓰라죠. 내가 알고 봐온 건 지금의 이 삶과, 이 세상뿐인걸요. 내가 신경 쓰고 싶은 건 오로지 당신뿐이에요.

아마 당신 쪽 수녀는 "미개한" 엘프의 진정성 따위는 믿지 않겠죠. 그녀가 내 입으로 직접 그들의 창조주를 섬기겠다는 말을 들어야겠다고 한다면 그렇게 하라고 하세요. 내 삶은 달라지지 않을 거예요.

2주 후에 돌아올게요. 정말 당신이 보고 싶겠지만, 돌아오면 다시는 당신 곁을 떠나지 않을 거예요.



Elandrin, our brother.

Falon'Din guide you. Maker guide you.


Let here the truth be kept, lest you be remembered a traitor, or our sorrow seem a passing woe.


Though you swore to serve our people, there were those questioning your heart.


Too often had we fought with humans along our borders until the beginning was lost to memory. Rumors of an abduction stirred. As always, their Chantry was swift to spread lies. In haste and anger, they killed Siona's sister for wandering too near the hunters' path. You carried her body back to us, you mourned with us—yet your heart was distracted. Siona begged for vengeance and you turned away.


More and more you vanished without word or explanation. When whispers rose that you would swear yourself to their Maker, we feared what would come.


Siona sought to save you, to bring you back to us. She had lost a sister, must she also lose a brother? Beneath the trees she saw you with a woman, the one who turned you from us. The woman gestured toward the village. You and she turned to gaze upon the Chantry's walls.

Siona returned. She told us how humans were turning you against us. How their lies must have filled you. As a loyal servant to the Maker's cause, you would betray our secrets. When we went to ask if there was truth in this, you were already gone.

So we sought to stop you. With haste, Siona led her people to the village. There we would challenge you. There we would bring you back to us... or to justice. In the dim of a moonless night, {i}she{/i} saw Siona through the trees. She raced toward Siona, a cry on her lips and something in her hand. Siona's arrow flew. So the woman fell, the name "Elandrin" dying on her lips, daisies slipping from her grasp.

The men of the village suspected the girl's flight, and heard the scream. They fell upon the elves, but were no match.


Siona's haste surpassed your own. You knelt beneath the trees, blood-soaked petals clinging to your clothes from a final embrace. When more humans came, you would not be moved—and they would not listen. Their arrows found your heart and you fell beside her. We found your body in the river where they cast you aside. {i}She{/i} was taken by her own. It was not the end, but your part is past.


Rest now as our honored brother once more. A wreath of daisies at your brow, the letter she carried in your hand. Whoever guides you, whoever guides her, may your souls meet once more in the Beyond.


Faded blood stains the letter:


What care have I for gods I have never seen, for a Maker I do not know? Let others distract themselves with such lofty concerns. I know only this life, I have seen only this world, and I care only for you.


Perhaps your priestess distrusts the sincerity of "uncivilized" elves. If she must hear me say I will follow the Maker, so be it. Your god intercedes as much as ours. My life will not change.


I will return in two weeks' time. My heart longs for you 'til then, and will remain with you forever after.



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