드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex


taamro 2022. 1. 9. 12:52


너도 알다시피 우리에게 가장 중요한 건 하늘에 있는 기이한 대균열을 조사하고 거기서 쏟아져 내려오는 악마들에게서 사람들을 보호하는 일이야. 내가 조사를 하는 동안, 넌 우리 야영지에 나타난 이방인이자 엘프 배교자인 솔라스에게 신경을 좀 써줬으면 해.

솔라스는 자발적으로 야영지에 찾아와, 아무 저항 없이 지팡이를 성가회 병사들에게 넘겨주었어. 데일스 엘프로 보이지는 않았어. 본인 말로는 한 번도 협회에 소속된 적이 없고, 그저 혼자서 평화롭게 영계에 관한 마법을 연구했다고 해.

배교자의 도움을 받아들이는 것이 썩 내키지 않겠지만, 솔라스는 자기 의지로 우리를 찾아왔어. 목격자들의 증언으로는 폭발이 일어났을 때 솔라스가 근처의 마을에 있었다고 하니, 콘클라베 건에 관해서 혐의가 없는 셈이지. 그렇지만 나에게 대균열의 영향에 대해 자세하게 설명해 준 것으로 보건대 그자보다 영계를 잘 아는 자는 없다고 생각돼.

솔라스는 대균열을 봉인할 방법을 찾기 위해, 유일한 생존자와 작은 균열을 연구하게 해달라고 요청했어. 그는 균열이 점점 늘어나고 있는 걸 정확하게 예측했고, 그것들을 봉인할 방법을 찾지 못하면 전 세계가 멸망할 거라고 생각해. 네가 반대하지만 않는다면 솔라스의 연구를 승인할 생각이야. 물론 적절한 감시를 붙여서.



최선을 다했지만 솔라스의 행방을 알아낼 수 없었습니다. 심문관님과 코리피우스가 맞붙었던 장소에서 서쪽으로 향하는 모습을 마지막으로 완전히 자취를 감추었어요. 여전히 코리피우스가 지녔던 보주가 파괴된 것에 무척 심란한 기색이었다고 합니다. 그 뒤로는 제 요원들의 추적을 너무나 쉽게, 또 완벽하게 따돌리고 있습니다. 이쯤 되니 그가 제 부하들을 얼마나 잘 알고 있었던 건지 참 궁금해지더군요.

솔라스가 처음 심문회에 접근하여 도움을 자청했을 때, 전 그의 배경과 이력에 대해 자세히 탐문했습니다. 솔라스는 대답을 얼버무렸지만, 그가 나고 자란 마을의 이름은 이야기해 주었습니다. 그곳이 지도에도 나오지 않을 정도로 작은 마을이라 덧붙이면서요.

저는 그 말이 사실인지 확실히 해 두고 싶어, 요원 몇 명을 부려 계속해서 수색했습니다. 그리고 최근에 요원들이 그 마을을... 아니, 정확히는 그 마을의 잔해를 찾아냈어요. 그곳은 지난 몇 세기 동안 폐허로 남은 곳으로, 지명 역시 고대 테빈터 전설 속에서나 가끔 등장하는 잊힌 이름이었습니다. 솔라스가 진정 누구인지, 그리고 어디서 왔든지 간에, 그는 처음부터 우리를 속이고 있던 거예요.

솔라스가 이곳에 있었을 때 더 자세히 조사하지 않았던 것을 사과드립니다. 그는 분명 우리를 돕고 있었고, 당시 더 시급한 사안이 있기는 했지만, 그렇게나 정체가 모호한 자를 간과한 것은 분명 저의 불찰입니다. 솔라스에게 계획이 있는지, 있다면 뭘 꾸미는지는 불분명하지만, 계속해서 수색해 보겠습니다.






I understand our first order of business must be to investigate this bizarre breach in the sky and protect people from the demons descending. While my search continues, I wish to draw your attention to a new arrival at our camp: an elven apostate calling himself Solas.


Solas entered the camp voluntarily, surrendering his staff to Chantry forces without protest. He is not Dalish and says that he has never been part of the Circle, claiming instead to have studied magic peacefully on his own… particularly magic tied to the Fade.


While I suspect you will be reluctant to accept the help of an apostate, Solas did come to us freely. Witnesses saw him in a nearby village at the time of the blast, so he was likely not responsible for what happened at the Conclave. However, he has described the effects of the Breach in enough detail to convince me that he knows more about the Fade than anyone else present.


Solas has requested permission to study the lone survivor and one of the smaller rifts, in hopes of finding a way to seal the Breach. He has correctly guessed that it is growing, and believes it will destroy the entire world unless we find a way to stop it. Unless you object, I will allow him his studies—under proper observation, of course.





Despite my efforts, I have been unable to locate Solas. From the site of your battle with Corypheus, he was last seen headed west, still distraught over the destruction of the orb Corypheus carried. From there he disappeared, evading my people so easily and so completely that I am forced to wonder how much he knew about them.


When Solas initially approached the Inquisition and offered aid, I questioned him extensively about his background and history. He was evasive, but he did give the name of the village where he grew up, noting that it was small, unlikely to appear on any map.


I hate loose ends, so I kept a few of my agents searching, to verify his story. They recently located the village… or what remains of it. It is a ruin, as it has been for centuries, its name preserved only in degraded form in ancient Tevinter mysteries. Whoever Solas truly is, wherever he came from, he has deceived us from the very start.


I apologize for not investigating this more thoroughly while Solas was here. He was clearly helping us, and other matters were of greater urgency, but it was an oversight nevertheless, given how little he shared with us. It is not clear what his plans are, if any, but I will continue to search.



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