드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex

아이언 불

taamro 2022. 1. 9. 11:01

M, 나의 소중한 친구여,

얼마나 힘든 상황일지 충분히 이해합니다. 대체 어디서 화물 운송 날짜를 들은 건지 모르겠지만, 그런 중무장한 도적단에 주기적으로 상단을 습격당하다니, 이렇게 불운한 일이 또 있을까요. 물론 이런 힘든 상황에서 경비병들이 부족한 건 당연해요. 절대 부끄럽게 생각하지 말아요.

질문에 답해드리자면, 작년에 우리 가문에도 비슷한 일이 닥쳤을 때, 황소 돌격대를 고용한 적이 있어요. 그들의 대장인 아이언 불은 거대한 뿔이 달린 거인, 그러니까 쿠나리예요. 생긴 건 야만인 같지만, 말하는 건 신사가 따로 없더군요. 전투에 아주 능숙하면서도, 단순한 전사 이상의 지성을 갖춘 자였어요. 그의 용병대는 꽤 값이 나갔지만, 우리 가문 상단을 지켜줄 만큼 강했고, 심지어 그 도적단들이 어떻게 {i}운좋게{/i} 그런 정보를 얻을 수 있었는지까지 알아낼 만큼 똑똑했어요. 그 이후로 도적단에 관한 문제는 완벽하게 해결되었고, 당신도 알고 있는 한 남작에게서 놈들이 다시는 문제를 일으키지 못할 거라는 확인까지 받아냈답니다.

아이언 불을 고용하고 싶다면, 내가 그의 연락처를 알려줄게요. 그가 특별히 좋아하는 술 목록하고 같이 말이죠. 혹시 남편과 같이 교섭하러 갈 생각인가요, 아니면 이 아이언 불과 좀 더 "친밀한" 환경에서 서로 알아가는 쪽이 더 좋으신가요? 만약 후자의 경우라면, 다음번에 같이 사냥 갈 때 내게 살짝 귀띔해 줘요.

당신의 친우,

—한 귀부인의 숨겨진 서랍에서 발견된 편지의 필사본



M, my dear friend,

I completely understand the difficulty you face. To have such well-equipped bandits attack your family's caravans so regularly and with such exquisite knowledge of your shipping schedules is indeed highly unfortunate; there is no shame at all in finding your household guards wanting in such trying circumstances.


To answer your question, when faced with my own troubles last year, I employed the Bull's Chargers. Their leader, the Iron Bull, is a Qunari, a great horned giant of a man; he looked like a savage but spoke like a gentleman. He seems unstoppable in combat, but is far more clever than a simple swordsman. His mercenaries were costly, but they were both strong enough to protect my family's caravans and clever enough to discover how the bandits came into such {i}luck{/i} in their attacks upon my family. The bandits have been no trouble at all since, and a baron of our mutual acquaintance effusively assured me that he would be greatly surprised if they ever again caused us difficulty.


If you wish to employ the Iron Bull, I can provide you with his contact information… as well as a list of the liquors he enjoys most particularly. Will your husband also be present in these negotiations, or will you be making the acquaintance of the Iron Bull in a more intimate setting? If so, we shall have to talk, the next time our men go hunting.


Yours in friendship,


—A letter lifted from a hidden drawer in a noblewoman's vanity and copied carefully before being returned

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