드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex

고대 엘프어 글귀

taamro 2022. 1. 9. 10:24

슬픔의 샘에서 속삭임이 들린다. 모든 말을 이해하는 것은 불가능하지만, 특정 부분이 갑자기 본래 의미의 일부를 드러낸다.

"그자는 대역죄를 저질렀다. 그는 신과 신에게 선택받은 자만이 지닐 수 있는 형상을 탐했고 감히 신성한 모습을 띤 채 날아오르려 했다. 이 죄인은 덜사멘의 권속이매, 길란나인의 청에 날개를 취했노라고 주장하였으며, 미살에게 보호를 구했다. 하지만 미살이 그의 청을 묵살했으니, 엘가난이 그를 심판할 것이다."

순간, 이글거리는 눈을 가지고 움직이는 어두운 형체의 심상이 비친다. 그 형태는 하나, 혹은 여러 개인 듯하다. 그것은 이내 희미해진다.

슬픔의 샘에서 속삭임이 들린다. 모든 말을 이해하는 것은 불가능하지만, 특정 부분이 갑자기 본래 의미의 일부를 드러낸다.

"그분께서 별의 광채를 흔들고 빛의 알갱이로 나누어, 금의 자루에 넣어 두셨으니. 안드루일이시여, 피와 힘이여, 이 무기가 우리를 향하지 않게 하소서. 당신의 백성이 기도드리나이다. 우리가 당신 제물이 되지 않게 하소서."

순간, 견딜 수 없는 열기로 이글거리는 정교한 황금 창의 이미지가 스쳐 지나간다. 그것은 이내 희미해진다.

슬픔의 샘에서 속삭임이 들린다. 모든 말을 이해하는 것은 불가능하지만, 특정 부분이 갑자기 본래 의미의 일부를 드러낸다.

"우리는 갇혀버렸다. 이곳에서 태어난 자들은 우리가 잃어버린 것의 소중함을 이해하지 못한다. 왜 그렇게 많은 장로가 우서네라에 들며 눈물을 흘렸는지 알지 못한다. 신참자들은 미살께 헌신하지만, 그분이 온전하셨을 때의 위대함을 알지 못한다. 현인이 이끌어주지 않는다면 그들이 누려 마땅한 것들을 모두 잃게 될 것이다.

내가 그들을 가르치겠다. 그들은 섬겨야 한다. 우리는 미살을 쓰러뜨린 자들에 맞설 준비를 해야 한다. 그분을 처음으로 섬기게 된 날 나는 나의 이름을 내려놓았다. 이제 그분께서 안식을 취하셨으니, 나의 이 새 이름도 내려놓으려 한다. 나는 오직 내 심장을 베는 듯한 이 슬픔으로만 알려질 것이다."

순간, 가슴이 뒤틀리는 상실감이 든다. 그것은 이내 희미해진다.

슬픔의 샘에서 속삭임이 들린다. 모든 말을 이해하는 것은 불가능하지만, 특정 부분이 갑자기 본래 의미의 일부를 드러낸다.

"이곳에서 우리는 대지의 기둥을 사냥할 준비를 한다. 그들의 수하는 어리석으며, 영혼 없이 허둥지둥할 뿐이다. 우리는 죽음으로 그들에게 자비를 베풀 것이다. 우리는 그들의 죽음으로 대지를 꽃피게 할 것이다."

순간, 두 개의 구체가 겹쳐진 심상이 선명히 나타난다. 알 수 없는 꽃이 구체의 안에 피어나고 있다. 그것은 이내 희미해진다.



There are whispers from the Well of Sorrows. It's impossible to understand the entire text, but certain parts suddenly reveal a shadow of their original meaning.


"His crime is high treason. He took on a form reserved for the gods and their chosen, and dared to fly in the shape of the divine. The sinner belongs to Dirthamen; he claims he took wings at the urging of Ghilan'nain, and begs protection from Mythal. She does not show him favor, and will let Elgar'nan judge him."


For a moment there is an image of a shifting, shadowy mass with blazing eyes, whose form may be one or many. Then it fades.

There are whispers from the Well of Sorrows. It's impossible to understand the entire text, but certain parts suddenly reveal a shadow of their original meaning.


"She shook the radiance of the stars, divided them into grains of light, then stored them in a shaft of gold. Andruil, blood and force, save us from the time this weapon is thrown. Your people pray to You. Spare us the moment we become Your sacrifice."


There is a brief image of an elaborate golden spear, glowing with unbearable heat. Then it fades.

There are whispers from the Well of Sorrows. It's impossible to understand the entire text, but certain parts suddenly reveal a shadow of their original meaning.


"We are trapped. The ones born here do not understand the keenness of what we have lost, or why so many of their elders weep as they enter uthenera. The new ones are faithful to Mythal, but do not understand what she was in her fullness. Without the wise to lead them, they will lose what they should have been.


I will teach them. They must serve. We must prepare for those who cast Mythal down. I shed my name the day I began her service. I shed my new one again, now that she rests. I will only be known by the sorrow that cuts my heart."


For a moment, there is a feeling of wrenching loss. Then it fades.

There are whispers from the Well of Sorrows. It's impossible to understand the entire text, but certain parts suddenly reveal a shadow of their original meaning.


"In this place we prepare to hunt the pillars of the earth. Their workers scurry, witless, soulless. This death will be a mercy. We will make the earth blossom with their passing."


For one moment there is a vivid image of two overlapping spheres; unknown flowers bloom inside their centers. Then it fades.

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