드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex

안드라스테 사조 이전: 잊힌 신앙들

taamro 2021. 10. 15. 10:16

안드라스테 성가회의 가르침은 800년이 넘도록 테다스인의 삶의 일부였다. 성가회는 우리를 인도하고 가르친다. 우리는 원죄 앞에 보잘것없는 존재이나, 그러면서도 안드라스테 님의 이야기와 그분의 노래를 통해 깨달음과 희망을 얻기도 한다. 그러나 안드라스테께서는 황제 코딜러스 드레이콘이 성가회를 세우고 빛의 성가를 전파하기 200여 년 전에 이미 소천하셨다. 그 끔찍한 시기에, 테다스인은 길을 잃었다. 그들은 구원을 갈망하며, 그토록 간절히 원하는 대답을 줄 수 있는 것이라면 닥치는 대로 의지했다. 그중 일부는 테빈터 제국의 옛 신 숭배와 같이 잘 알려진 신앙으로 돌아갔는데, 이는 현재 우리가 대재앙의 저주와 어둠의 피조물에 대한 책임을 묻고 있는 종교이다. 한편 어떤 이들은 자신들만의 길을 찾아, 거짓 예언자들을 따라다니며 인간을 거짓 신으로 받들기도 했다. "노래의 딸들", "공허한 자들"등의 많은 종교가 사라졌지만, 헤사리안의 칼날 같은 다른 종교가 여전히 우리 세계의 어두운 구석에 숨어있을지도 모른다.

이 책은 암울한 시대를 살았던 사람과 지금도 길을 잃고 어둠 속에서 빛을 찾으려 애쓰는 사람에 대해 연민을 갖고 그들을 기억하기 위해 쓰였다.

—탠터베일의 론드윈 수녀 저, 안드라스테 사조 이전: 잊힌 신앙들에서 발췌



Before Andrastianism: Forgotten Faiths

The teachings of the Andrastian Chantry have been part of Thedosian lives for over eight hundred years. The Chantry guides us and teaches us. We are made humble in the knowledge that we have sinned, and yet we are inspired and given hope through Andraste's story and her song. But Andraste died almost two hundred years before her Emperor Kordillus Drakon established the Chantry and spread the Chant of Light. In those terrible years, Thedosians were lost. Crying for salvation, they took to anyone and anything they hoped could give them the answers they so desperately sought. Some returned to well-known faiths, like the Tevinter Imperium's cult of the Old Gods, which we hold accountable for the curse of the Blight and the darkspawn. But others found their own paths, following false prophets and making false gods out of men. Many of these religions have disappeared, dying out with their adherents, like the Daughters of Song, or the Empty Ones. Others, like the Blades of Hessarian, may still lurk in the hidden corners of our world.

This book aims to remember them, so that we may find compassion for those who lived in those dark times, and also for they who even now are lost, and turn to shadow, trying find light.

—From Before Andrastianism: the Forgotten Faiths by Sister Rondwyn of Tantervale

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