드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex

까마귀단과 마드리갈 국왕

taamro 2022. 3. 16. 12:50

발바닥을 뜨거운 숯으로 지지고 칼로 얼굴과 손의 가죽을 벗겨버리기까지 했음에도, 첫 번째 까마귀는 입을 열지 않았습니다. 그자는 그 대신 혀를 깨물어 피로 질식사하는 길을 택했습니다.

두 번째 포로는 우리가 이미 알고 있는 사실만을 반복해서 말할 뿐이었습니다. 사냥에 나간 마드리갈 왕은 저녁 행사에 참석하지 않았고, 후에 가슴에 네 자루의 검이 박힌 채로 발견되었습니다. 저는 그에게 검 네 자루 중에서 헤사리안의 자비를 복제한 검을 아는지 물었습니다. 그는 그것을 전혀 들어본 적이 없는 듯했습니다. 적어도 그렇게 주장했습니다. 이후 그는 고문을 받다가 희미한 미소를 머금은 채로 죽었습니다.

세 번째 까마귀는 자신이 지하감옥을 산채로 나가지 못하리라는 것을 깨달은 게 분명했습니다. 그는 피오레 대장의 심기를 건드려 빠른 죽음을 맞이할 수 있기를 바라는 듯했습니다. 까마귀는 피오레 대장님이 일하는 동안 간결하고 함축적인 말로 우리의 인내심을 시험하려 들었습니다. 어느 순간, 그자가 피오레의 어머니를 언급했는데... 자세한 내용은 여기서 굳이 밝히지 않겠습니다. 저는 극한의 압박 속에서도 일관성 있는 말솜씨와 약간의 재치까지 잃지 않는 그의 능력에 감탄하지 않을 수 없었습니다.

갖가지 쓸데없는 잡담이 난무하는 가운데, 이 세 번째 까마귀는 핵심이 될만한 점을 언급했습니다. 그의 조합은 명성이 자자합니다. 무자비하고 효율적이며 신중한 건 말할 것도 없지요. 만약 요원들이 고문처럼 지극히 일상적인 상황에 굴복해 매일같이 고용주의 이름을 밝힌다면 이들이 어떻게 그런 악명을 유지할 수 있는 걸까요?

여기까지 생각하다가 저는 순간 멍해졌습니다. 그리고 하던 일을 멈추었습니다. 생각 끝에, 저는 그자의 심장을 찔러 죽이고, 네 번째 다섯 번째 까마귀단 포로를 풀어주었습니다. 받아내야 할 자백이 있다고 해도, 고문으로는 얻을 수 없을 겁니다. 저는 이러한 행동 방침을 그만둘 것을 권유하는 바입니다.

—안티바의 마드리갈 국왕 암살 사건 조사를 맡은 아리스티드 부대장의 보고서



The first Crow refused to speak, even when we put hot coals to the soles of his feet and peeled the skin off his face and hands with a paring knife. He opted instead to chew through his own tongue and choke to death on the blood.


The second captive repeated what we already knew: Queen Madrigal went on a hunt and did not appear for the evening's festivities. Her body was later found with four steel swords through the chest. I asked what he knew about one of the four swords being a replica of Hessarian's Sword of Mercy. He had not heard about that, or at least claimed as much. He later died on the rack, smiling slightly.


The third Crow must have realized he would not leave the dungeon alive. He seemed to hope that by angering Master Fiore, he would earn himself a quick death. The Crow tried our patience with pithy comments while Master Fiore was trying to work. At one point, he made a remark about Fiore's mother, which I shall not repeat here. I will admit to feeling admiration for his ability to retain a capacity for coherent speech, and even some wit, while under extreme duress.


Amid all his useless chatter, this third Crow did raise an important point. His guild has a reputation to uphold. They are ruthless, efficient, and discreet. How would they maintain such notoriety if agents routinely revealed the names of employers with something as "banal" as torture?


This gave me pause. I called for a halt to the session. After some thought, I stabbed the man through the heart and set the fourth and fifth Crow captives free. If there is a confession to be extracted, it will not be done with pain. I recommend we abandon this course of action.


—A report by Captain Aristide, tasked with investigating the assassination of Queen Madrigal of Antiva


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