드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex

성기사단: 합의의 종결

taamro 2022. 1. 13. 20:45


저희 구도회는 성하께서 반란에 어떤 식으로 가담하셨는지 잘 알고 있습니다. 별것도 아닌 사소한 사안을 논의하시려고 아주 "긴급한" 문제가 있다고 하시며 저를 한밤중에 대성당으로 불러내셨지요. 그 후 백색 첨탑에 돌아갔을 때, 그곳은 혼란의 도가니가 되어 있었습니다... 그리고 그곳에서 성하의 요원이 배교자들 사이에 있는 것을 보았습니다.

제가 정말 모를 거로 생각하셨습니까? 그런 행위를 하시고도 아무 후탈이 없을 거로 생각하셨습니까? 성가회가 당신 같은 무능한 여성을 태양빛 옥좌에 앉혔을 때부터, 암흑의 시대는 예견된 것이나 다름없습니다. 저는 가만히 앉아서 성하께서 많은 사람이 쌓아 올린 전통과 정의를 무너뜨리는 것을 보고만 있지는 않을 것입니다.

교황의 시대의 스무 번째 해에, 네바라 협정이 체결되었지요. 당시 우리 진리의 구도회는 깃발을 내리고 성가회의 오른손으로서 봉사하는 데 동의하며, 함께 마법사 협회를 창설했습니다. 그리고 이제 협회가 사라졌으니, 협정을 무효로 할 것을 선언합니다. 진리의 구도자들과 성기사단은 더는 성가회의 권위를 인정하지 않으며, 대신 저희는 저희가 옳다고 믿으며 마땅히 해야 할 창조주의 일을 수행하겠습니다.

용의 시대 40년에 서명함.

구도회의 램버트 반 리브스 대원수

—전 구도회 대원수가 저스티니아 교황에게 보낸 편지



Most Holy,


The Seekers are well aware of the part you played in the rebellion. You call me to the Grand Cathedral in the middle of the night on "urgent" business only to speak of trivial matters? And then, when I return to the White Spire, I discover chaos... and one of your agents in the midst of the apostates.


Did you think I would not notice? Did you believe yourself above repercussions for such acts? It was a dark day when the Chantry placed such an incapable woman upon the Sunburst Throne. I will not stand idle and watch you destroy what ages of tradition and righteousness have built.


In the twentieth year of the Divine Age, the Nevarran Accord was signed. The Seekers of Truth lowered our banner and agreed to serve as the Chantry's right hand, and together we created the Circle of Magi. With the Circle no more, I hereby declare the Accord null and void. Neither the Seekers of Truth nor the Templar Order recognize Chantry authority, and instead we will perform the Maker's work as it was meant to be done, as we see fit.


Signed this day on the fortieth year of the Dragon Age,

Lord Seeker Lambert van Reeves


—Letter sent to Divine Justinia from the former Lord Seeker

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