드래곤 에이지/DAI: Codex

에메랄드 기사단

taamro 2022. 1. 15. 11:39

과거를 위해 울어라—영광은 오직 그곳에만 있나니.
이곳에서 활시위가 당겨졌고, 검이 전해졌으며, 맹세가 맺어졌다.
그리하여 엘프의 심장 속에 영광이 태어났다.


과거를 위해 노래하라—선대가 잠들어 있는 곳.
모든 기사에게 씨 뿌려져, 그 뿌리가 형제자매와 한데 얽혔으니.
숲은 여전히 그곳에 남아, 우리의 힘을 비추네.


과거를 위해 애도하라—그곳에 남겨진 모든 것을 위해.
우리는 꿈을 믿었고 불멸을 이해했다. 우리는 약속과 희망을 믿었다.
그리하여 우리는 무용한 꿈을 꾸었다. 이미 오래전 그 선물을 잃었기에.


과거를 저주하라—모든 거짓말이 태어난 그곳을.
그들의 태양 아래 우리들은 스러져 갔다. 그들의 성녀가 내린 땅은 그녀의 이름 아래 도둑맞았으니.
이 글이 읽힐 때, 우리는 그곳에 없으리.


과거를 잊지 말라—남은 것은 그뿐이라.
모든 기사에게 씨 뿌려져, 그 뿌리가 형제자매와 한데 얽혔으니.
숲은 여전히 그곳에 남아, 우리의 슬픔을 비춘다.


과거를 위해 울어라—우리를 모두 삼킬 것이니.
이곳에 새로이 살해당한 우리의 구원자들이 잠든다. 다른 자들은 우리의 손길 밖에 있다.
그리하여 우리는 기억한다.

진정한 이름이 불타 딘안 하닌에 들어가게 하라. 그곳에서 모든 영광이 끝난다.

안드레일, 영감을 주는 노래를 불렀다
소런, 손에 활을 들었다
시오나, 다리를 지켰다

탈림, 어린아이를 구했다
린, 그들을 인도했다
일런, 적을 감시했다

엘란드린, 우리에게 배신당했다

뒤에 빈 곳이 있다. 글귀를 더 새기려고 했던 것 같다.




Cry for the past—only there does glory dwell.

For here, the bow was strung, the sword bequeathed, the vows sworn.

So glory was born within the hearts of elves.


Sing for the past—where rests those who came before.
For each knight, a seed was sown, roots twisting with their brothers and sisters.
So the forest grew, a reflection of our might.


Mourn for the past—and all that was left there.
For we trusted in dreams and perceived immortality. We trusted in promises and in hope.
So we dreamed in vain, for we lost these gifts long ago.


Curse the past—the place where lies were born.
For beneath their sun, our people fall. The lands their lady once bestowed now stolen in her name.
So when these words are read, we shall be gone.


Forget not the past—it is all that remains.
For each knight, a seed was sown, roots twisting with their brothers and sisters.
So the forest remains, a reflection of our sorrow.


Cry for the past—it shall claim us all.
For here rest our saviors newly slain. Others lie beyond our reach.
So we remember.

Let the true name burn away and enter Din'an Hanin, the place where glory ends.

Andrale, Whose Song Inspired
Soran, With Bow in Hand
Siona, Who Kept the Bridge

Talim, Who Saved the Child
Rin, Who Led Them Out
Ilan, Who Kept Watch

Elandrin, Whom We Betrayed

A blank space follows the names, as if more were to be carved.